Tuesday, June 5, 2012


This summer I am interning at a church called Christian Life Center and as the intern I am the head of the youth department. This summer we are learning and discussing the Spiritual disciplines of the Bible. Our first week was about prayer and its importance. Prayer is the foundation of all other disciplines because it is our direct connection with God. When we pray it leads us towards Gods heart and helps us grow more intimate with Him. Prayer though is not by any means just talking to God for one hour of your day and leaving it at that. Prayer is an attitude! This attitude of prayer is what Paul talks about in Ephesians 6:18, “With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints…” We may feel it is inconceivable to achieve prayer ALL day long because prayer is an ongoing process but if we remain in our attitude of prayer, by remaining alert and open to God’s presence and guidance, we can in fact achieve all day prayer. Also, something we need to realize is that we cannot keep prayer in a box. By this I mean that prayer is not just words we speak but is a heart to heart connection we make with the God of all creation. There are so many different ways of communication on this Earth today so why not use Facebook, art, or a letter to communicate with Him. If we are open to Him, He will in turn meet us where we are at. Prayer is our foundation, prayer is home, prayer is continuous and above all prayer is power. I challenge you this week to remain in an attitude of prayer and invite God to guide you through your day and see what happens. Also, I challenge you to try to think out of the box to pray this week, whether it’s an email to Him or a picture with a caption, that heart to heart connection is important. God loves you and I would like to  invite you to look at our resource for the class which is The Beautiful Disciplines by Martin Saunders.